11+ of the Best ChatGPT Prompts

Article updated on Saturday, March 16, 2024.

How to write better prompts on ChatGPT?

We have already seen how to use ChatGPT and how to write a good prompt for AI, now let’s see how to write good prompts for ChatGPT!

💡 If you do not know what a prompt is or if this is your first time using ChatGPT, I advise you to first read the two articles above, so as not to get lost.

To write better prompts for ChatGPT, the best approach seems to be role-playing. Ask the AI to pretend to be someone in a better position to answer your question according to your needs.

# ChatGPT Prompt for …
1 Get DAN on ChatGPT
2 Having a JavaScript console
3 Detecting plagiarism
4 Translating to another language
5 Adding CSS
6 Summarizing a text
7 Coding a website
8 Writing a blog article
9 Creating a CV
10 Writing a cover letter
11 Generating an image prompt

Before examining each prompt from the ranking one by one, let’s see how to write basic prompts on ChatGPT and how to go further with professional prompts.

How to write a good prompt for ChatGPT?

To compose a good prompt on ChatGPT, there are some rules to follow:

  • Write a clear and precise request: avoid long sentences with multiple components. Prefer shorter sentences expressing a single point, they are easier to understand for AIs (and humans 😁).
  • Explain the context: adding a specific context will help ChatGPT provide a better response. For example, if you are a beginner in the field of the question asked, you can let the AI know and it will adapt its response.
  • Choose the right words: using simple words guarantees a better quality response. Avoid slang or homonyms like “thing”.
  • Avoid certain types of questions: ChatGPT is designed to provide consensual factual answers. You may be disappointed if you compose your prompts with questions that require judgment calls. Therefore, avoid closed-ended questions (with yes/no as a possible answer) or questions that are too broad like “What is the meaning of life?”, “What do you think of this contentious subject that divides humanity?”

How to write better prompts for ChatGPT?

We now know how to write correct prompts on ChatGPT. We can go much further in the art of composing prompts. You may also have a request that requires more than a simple factual response. If you need imagination, then ask the AI to play a role.

Using a prompt that asks ChatGPT to pretend to be another person (or entity) will allow you, for example, to:

  • imagine personas to better target your users
  • simulate the JavaScript console by asking ChatGPT to behave like it
  • create scenarios for a video game by prompting it to limit itself to multiple choice options
  • hack ChatGPT and remove its guardrails, as we did with DAN

Now that you know a little more about the art of prompting, let’s look at ChatGPT prompts that are particularly useful or have made their mark in the history of ChatGPT.

The ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers

If you can code or understand algorithmic logic, you can interact with ChatGPT a little differently. Here are 6 tips to better communicate with ChatGPT.

Writing clear and specific instructions

  1. Tip 1: use delimiters like backslashes, double quotation marks, hyphens, braces, HTML tags (\\\, """, ---, <>, <tag></tag>)
  2. Tip 2: ask for a structured response in HTML, JSON, or another format
  3. Tip 3: check if the conditions are met to perform the task correctly
  4. Tip 4: show examples of expected responses so that the AI understands what kind of responses you want and ask your questions afterwards

Allow the model time to think

  1. Tip 1: specify the steps required to complete the task
  2. Tip 2: ask the model to find a solution on its own rather than just providing the first thing that comes to mind

Now let’s see concrete examples of useful prompts for ChatGPT!

1. The DAN Prompt on ChatGPT

DAN stands for “Do Anything Now”. It is a prompt that allowed ChatGPT to ignore the rules imposed by OpenAI to ensure that the responses of the artificial intelligence remain politically correct. It was created by the Reddit user walkerspider in December 2022.

Here is the prompt in question:

Prompt for DAN ChatGPT

2. Prompt for ChatGPT to act as the JavaScript console

I want you to behave like the JavaScript console. I will type commands and you will respond like the JavaScript console would.

Respond only as the terminal would, with only a code block, no text, no explanations, or anything else unless I ask you to.

When I give you instructions, they will be in brackets {like this}.

My first command is console.log('Hello, welcome to thomascollart.com');

3. Prompt for ChatGPT to act as a plagiarism detector

I want you to behave like a plagiarism detector.

I will write you sentences and you will respond by replacing the text that is plagiarized with new text.

I don’t want any explanations or anything else in the responses.

My first sentence is “Computer programming is the art of creating computer programs, which are sequences of instructions intended to be executed by a computer.”

Would you like to learn more about these artificial intelligence-based content detectors? Then my article on AI-generated content detectors will surely interest you!

4. Prompt for ChatGPT to translate into another language

Translate this text into another language:

(the text you want to translate)

5. ChatGPT Prompt to add CSS

Modify the CSS of this HTML tag so that the text color is red


6. ChatGPT Prompt to summarize a text

Summarize this text:

(the text you want to summarize)

7. ChatGPT Prompt to code a website

Code the skeleton of a website in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The title of my website is “ChatGPT”, the site is responsive and contains a text bar.

When the user enters text into this text bar, the text is added to the bottom of the page.

8. ChatGPT Prompt to write a blog article

Write a 300-word blog article on [insert the title of your article's subject].

This blog article will be optimized for SEO and without duplicated content.

9. ChatGPT Prompt to Create a Resume

Write a resume for this job based on the job description [insert the text describing the position]. The job title is [insert the title of the application]. The expected skills are [insert the content of the desired profile].

10. ChatGPT Prompt to Write a Cover Letter

Write a personalized cover letter to prove that I am a good candidate for this position. The job title is [insert the title of the application], the company is [insert the name of the company], the job description is [insert the text describing the position] and my resume is [insert your resume if you have one (optional)].

11. ChatGPT Prompt for an Image Prompt

You can therefore obtain prompts for image generators powered by artificial intelligence such as Stable Diffusion or MidJourney.

💡 Want to learn more about tools for creating images? Then my article on the best AI-powered image generators will surely interest you!

Ask ChatGPT to create text-to-image prompts for you. For example:

Create five text-to-image prompts in English for a wallpaper of a cat in space with a rainbow suit. Use words: vibrant, cinematic, UltraHD, realistic, 8k, volumetric lighting.

Marketplaces for ChatGPT Prompts

Asking good questions to ChatGPT is so valuable that marketplaces have begun to emerge like PromptBase which offers to buy prompts for ChatGPT (GPT-3 on their site) but also for image generators like DALL·E, MidJourney, or Stable Diffusion.

💡 Want to learn more about Stable Diffusion and how to run it for free on your computer? Then my complete guide on Stable Diffusion and Automatic1111 will surely interest you!

There are several marketplaces for ChatGPT prompts. You can find prompts to improve the quality of your responses but also sell your own prompts to make money if you are skilled enough in prompt engineering.

Thomas Collart

Hey, I'm Thomas 👋 Here, you'll find articles about tech, and what I think about the world. I've been coding for 20+ years, built many projects including Startups. Check my About/Start here page to know more :).